"--We interrupt (the (formerly-anticipated) 'roll-out' of) this web log...
in order to bring you this (--'important bulletin' of--) 'breaking news!'..."
(From: Seat-of-Protestantism Prague (--Bohemia, Czech Republic):)
--For YEARS having been 'DESPERATE' to, in order to 'reach' the (comparative) FEW already 'blessed with' 'ears' to 'receive' it, get 'word' of this 'ministry' spread (--electronically--) WORLDWIDE, 'one' may 'imagine' my surprise, then, when, in the middle of (wide-open) Old Town Square, about three weeks ago, a young FILM-student from the FILM and DIGITAL MEDIA department(s) of the LARGEST Baptist university in the United States of America (--Baylor University, in Waco, Texas--)... stepped up to me --"out of the BLUE"-- and said he wanted to ask me some QUESTIONS..."about Christianity"(!). (Immediately (of course), I thought (-prayed), "--LORD,... --Is this" (young man's coming to me) "from YOU?"
Now, as it happened,... 'it would appear that' 'the interview' didn't go quite the way the young man had planned; as, it seemed that I ended up asking HIM more questions that he asked ME. Why? Because, before I'd be (have been) able to intelligently, MEANINGFULLY answer his QUESTIONS, I ('d) needed to know (at least 'approximately') whether or not he'd ('be able to') UNDERSTAND (the SIGNIFICANCE of) the (whatever) ANSWERS I'd give (have given) him.
I asked him where he was FROM; he'd said, "DALLAS". So, I'd asked him if he knew where PILOT POINT, Texas was. He said, "No." (Pilot Point, Texas is the founding city/town of the (holiness-doctrine) Church of the Nazarene. (AND, the (also-preacher) BROTHER of (famed Dallas Baptist preacher) GEORGE W. Truett (after whom the SEMINARY 'attached to' this young man's university is NAMED) was (for many years) pastor of the Baptist Church there...)) (So, I'd been 'doubly hopeful'... (But, 'drew a blank' on BOTH accounts. (As, it was clear he knew nothing of these things.))
(So, 'o.k.',... --'got nowhere with THAT 'stab'.) So, I then asked him a 'broader', (more) 'general', spiritual-DEVELOPMENT (-related), Protestant-doctrine question: Did he know who GEERT GROOTE was? "--No." (Geert Groote was the 'spiritual father' of the "DEVOTIO MODERNA", and founder of the Brethren of the Common Life (--with whose members Martin LUTHER studied for a YEAR (--in Magdeburg)).) (But, "No",... --he didn't know him, either.)
So, THEN, I thought: "--'O.K.',... --'piece-o'-cake', "EASY 'one'":--... and (pointing to the massive statue of, and monument to, Jan HUS that dominates the square in the middle of which we were then standing, I asked him: "--Do you know who THAT" (--Jan HUS--) "was?" (--He glanced at the statue, then back to me,... and said,... (--of course, entirely HONESTLY (but, having (seemingly) NO IDEA 'whatsoever' of how ignorant it... 'made him look',--))... (--he (had then) said:)... "--No."
(So,... 'there' I 'had it'. (:'The results' of MY 'interview'. (:--He 'wouldn't have understood ('much of') anything'.))) So, I'd then told him the reason (so-called) "Christians" had/have "no POWER (of God))" was/is because they think that their just attending CHURCH is "enough" for God. --'Enough' to 'SATISFY' Him. (So ('of course'), they (think they) 'need do
no more'. (And then, saying to him that it's "NOT 'ENOUGH'".)) And, then I 'preached' him a little 'sermon' on personal HOLINESS, telling him how if he wanted his films (' content) to 'reach' people in ways, and to 'depths' that will "CHANGE THEIR LIVES", he'd have to "become 'another man'". --He'd have to become HOLY.)
So, I then asked him how long (it'd be) before he'd be back home: --he said, "Two weeks."; we exchanged email addresses,... and,... he 'had to go'. (--This was all (now) three weeks ago.)
(Now, all this while we talked, I was (had been) 'listening' for 'something' --'ANYTHING'-- "from the Lord"... --But 'got' nothing. EVEN SO, (--I'd thought:--) "But,... --'WAITAMINNIT!'--... it shouldn't MATTER whether or not this (our) meeting was "OF THE LORD"... --more than "NORMAL"(!). --He'd said he was a "CHRISTIAN" (--though not a Catholic--)... --THAT should be "ENOUGH"? --Shouldn't it? (--Of COURSE it "should be". (And (--in the Lord's 'Sight'(?)--) "IS". (--'Wouldn't you say?'))))
(--to be continued... (--'Stay tuned'.))
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