Friday, July 17, 2009

"'For (and 'Because of') Your Loving..."

(...continuing on from the previous post, 'we''ll entitle today's entry:)

'Conception' of "90/90" ("(-'09)")
(:"'For' (and 'Because of') Your Loving:
(Global) 'Smoking-Out' (--of 'Hiding'--) of
the (em-Powered (and em-Power-'able')) 'ANYBODIES'")

(...and (again), continuing on:)

--Though I had PRAYED to know if the young filmmaker's "'arrival' from 'out of nowhere'" had been ('unquestionably') "of the Lord" (i.e., (particularly) 'arranged', ('set up') by Him), I 'received' no answer(s) to that/those prayers. Therefore (the 'situation' was ('beginning to seem') that), though 'who could say it ('definitely') HAD been' ('so'),... (--'equally',--)... 'who could say it HADN'T?

ONE thing, however, was (certainly) "for certain": (that is (was):) Whether or not THIS particular young man could be 'enticed into' participation in the global 'birthing' of "The Time of (the) Light (of the World)", whatever 'approach(es)' might be 'useful' in 'winning' HIM to 'the idea'... 'would be' "the same one (or ones) that/which... 'would' ('serve to') 'win'... --'ANYBODY'"!

Therefore,... maybe 'the purpose' of the young man's 'appearance' 'on the scene'... was/had been to 'win to em-Power-ment' (in the Spirit of God), not THIS (particular) 'SOMEBODY', but,... (--who knows?: maybe--)... a 'whole WORLD'... of... 'ANYBODIES'. (!) (--'Anybodies', that is,... "born of (the) Christ (-Spirit)"... "--in Holy Ghost Power.) (Maybe 'the goal' (of our meeting) was/had been the global 'smoking-out' (of their 'hiding-places') of the (vast numbers of --who KNOWS how (--possibly,--) many(?)-- of) (the) ('simply') previously "unable to be 'LOCATED'" (but, nonetheless (--for all 'we' know (knew)--), "'just-waiting'"... 'ANYBODIES'!)

(--in the SPIRITUAL 'Body' of "("the Truth" that is (the Power of)) GOD"--)... 'LINK' (--in (Loving) SERVICE--) the Holy-Ghost em-POWER-ed... of... (disciples 'in' and "of") CHRIST JESUS. (-!!))

(And, 'so',... "--LORD,... has this ('all') 'been' 'for' (and 'because of') Your LOVING of (and 'towards') all of Your... (--'just'-waiting--)... 'ANYBODIES'...? (--"ALL OVER the WORLD"?)
(--REGARDLESS of whether or not this young man "from out of 'NOWHERE'" is (--and/or will be--)... "interested" AT ALL?)"

The "'just-waiting', em-Powered, and em-Power-ABLE", 'ANYBODIES'... are all 'out there',... "JUST waiting"... (But,... must NOT be "KEPT so".
(--'Would' 'say'... (--and, I say, "DOES 'say'"--)... the LORD.))


('SO,... (!) ...') ... ... ...

(My 'task', then,... (after having 'encountered' this young man)... was to 'come up with' a ('catchy' (-'enough' (to 'pique the interest' of this 'sparkling' young 'talent'))) film-short, introductory PROGRAM-title... (: something 'one' would 'think' (--and, I would HOPE--) he "COULDN'T RESIST"...),... and have it --"fully-'hatched' (and 'ready' and 'waiting-for-him')"--... --by the time he got back HOME. (i.e., in the (--from THAT time--) next "TWO WEEKS".)


(--What I 'came up with' was THIS:)

(The 'Anybodies' are all (of course) 'out there' --the 'immediate' 'need', and therefore, "goal", is 'only' to (--electronically (via the Internet)--) 'UNITE' them. How? --Ask 'em to do something "ALL" of 'em "WILL" "do". (--IF they (will) wish to (continue to) "be identified as" "FOLLOWERS of CHRIST". What's THAT? --STAND for Him. --Take a stand for Him. --One that ALL the WORLD can then, and WILL then, "SEE". Such as how? (--"Simple".) --'Such as'... SIGN their NAMES. (And then have those names published on the 'Net... "for all to see".) ('Like',... "comin' out o' 'the closet'"... (--'sort o' thing').))

(--NOBODY will be 'DRAGGED' into participation. --And, THAT's how we (--and, indeed, "all the world" (too)--) will "know": --We'll "set a time-limit" for their "making up (of) their minds": if the 'can' decide within the time limit, they're 'in'; if they can't (and DON'T) 'make up their minds' within the ('specified') time limit, they're 'out'. --Simple as that. What's the 'thing' (asked) to be "'stood'-for"? (--Something 'simple'(:). (--But,... PROFOUNDLY 'MIGHTY':)) --That JESUS is LORD; The Light of the World; and that ('WE' now 'stand' and 'SAY' that) "NOW" is OUR time... for HIS "Time" --"The Time of LIGHT"-- to "BE".)

(How much time'll they 'get' "to 'DECIDE'"? --A MINUTE and a HALF.

(--And then what? --And, 'THEN', 'we''ll 'put all the "90-seconds-or 'LESS-ers'"... into a great-big, electronic 'POT'... (--AS A UNITED BODY (--'at LAST'(!)--),... and 'look around'... to 'find' "the NEXT 'INTERESTING' (--i.e., "GLOBALLY SPIRITUALLY 'ADVANCING'"--) 'QUESTION'"... TO... "'UNITE' them OVER". (--"To the glory of God").)

(--'And, so-on and so-on.')


(But, the FIRST "stance for "The Light of the World'"... will be "the 'TELLING' one".)


(And, then (--'to make it fun'--), 'we''ll "set a 'DEADLINE'"... for all to "have 'STOOD'" (who are "GOING to 'stand'")... all over the world. What'll be "the deadline"? THREE MONTHS. --90 DAYS.)

(Will it be wonderFUL? --Yes. --What's the noun (-form) for (of) the adjective, "wonderful"? (--Right:) A "WONDER".)

What will it (the accomplishment of 'all this') "BE", then? (--Right:) --It'll be/have been... a "WONDER". --Of What/or Whom? --Of "God".

(I'tll be ('have been') "The 90-Day, 90-'Second', (-'UNITING',--) WORLDWIDE 'WONDER' of GOD".)

(... --library's closing,... --more to come on next post.)



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